In the first part of this blog we discussed the importance of refreshing our brand and we told you how we worked on creating our new logo and why we chose those particular colors. ( if you haven’t read it go back to it, we strongly recommend it)!.

However, branding encompasses much more than just a logo. I dare to say that the logo is just a sneak peek of everything that lies underneath it.
You might be wondering… what else have they been working on? How much more can there be? Allow me to shed some light on the extensive process we have undertaken and continue to undertake in order to re-establish our connection with our goals, culture, and most importantly: our essence.
In our fast-paced lives, especially in today’s world, we often find ourselves caught up in a relentless race, unintentionally overlooking the need to pause and check whether we’re heading in the right direction, if we’ve gotten a bit off track, or even got a little lost in the process.
As we celebrate our 10th anniversary this year, and as one does when getting older, we have taken some time to think about our future, and inevitably our past, reflecting on how far we have come and contemplating how far we aspire to go. Are we where we want to be yet? If not, how can we go from here? Where do we want to go specifically?
These seem profound questions, in the search for a deeper meaning, but before we talk about that I want to share how we faced the visual aspects of our brand.
We are a software company and, of course, our online presence is super important! whether it is about connecting with clients, attracting future employees or just sharing knowledge with our colleagues, we felt our visual and written communication had to improve.
First we knew we had to address the potential misinterpretations of the word POT in our logo. That is why we needed to recreate it. Once we had that aspect solved, we realized the importance of enhancing our graphic communication to accurately represent our brand across all areas. Lastly, but certainly not least, we focused on ensuring that our message aligned with our values and goals. That meant that we had to rethink everything, including our written content.
We have had several web designs, such as and social media images, however, none of those ever pleased us much, and we always felt like it was incomplete or that it didn’t differentiate us from the rest. By the way… what a difficult thing to do, right? what a hard question to answer when someone asks you: what makes you different? This is actually something that we are still working on, always on a constant search for improvement. However, we had a few things that we knew we wanted to share: whether they made us completely different from the rest or not, this was us in the flesh. So we decided to design a workflow in which we would be able to establish what we wanted to share and where.
We have previously shared the story behind the creation of our new logo, and now we want to share our content creation strategy, step 2 in our timeline Information. Creating engaging and captivating content has always been a challenge for us. Crafting interesting and concise content filled with valuable information is no easy task. We understand that text can sometimes be used merely for decorative purposes or to embellish a story, but we wanted our content to be straightforward and to the point.
If you ever have the chance to come to the office, or to any of our get-togethers you will see how most of us are great storytellers, we believe it’s a great way to share experiences and interact with each other. We realized that we could leverage this strength to our advantage in creating our content. So, we started implementing this approach. Once we had a clear idea of what we wanted to share and the style we aimed for, we did the smart thing.
We hired a content creator. She helped us polish our ideas, organized them, and most importantly synthesize most of them. I cannot express how important it is to have someone from “outside” to see any of your creative creations!
That brings me to our social media evaluation. We knew we wanted to have presence in most of them, and by most of them I mean… the classic ones, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter… let me tell you being constant in these 4 platforms has not been easy! However we still strive to achieve a certain presence in all of them.
Each social media platform has its unique characteristics, including distinct imagery formats, content types, and even varying ¨voice¨ (meaning the way in which texts are written). Among them, Facebook and Instagram share similarities, so we made the decision to align these two platforms, which allows us to create only two types of content.
Why did we choose this approach? We believe that our followers, as well as our audience on Facebook and Instagram, primarily consist of peers, colleagues, friends, and potential future employees. Therefore, we use these platforms to showcase our company’s culture, social events, and daily activities. On the other hand, LinkedIn serves as a platform where we present a more professional image of the company hoping to also attract future clients. Here, we focus on sharing our projects, partnerships, and other activities that are perceived as more “serious”.
You can see our social media pages to get a better idea of what we mean when we talk about different type of contents.
Stay tuned fore about how we created our new brand!